In the net we find different web sites. Those sites may be divided in three categories: Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. In this post I am going to talk about Web 1.0 versus 2.0.
Web 1.0
Web 1.0 sites are personal or institutional sites that are “based on ‘http’ (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) to publish information” . These sites are static pages that contain information that may be useful but it does not change. They are not interactive either, users can only visit the site but they cannot contribute or comment anything, these sites do not allow the reader interact with the writer or the webmaster. These sites are useful to investigate, look for information, among others. For these reasons, users only visit this type of site once; they do not have any reason to return to it, because it does not offer anything new.
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is a term that according to Wikipedia is generally “associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide Web”. Web 2.0 sites are dynamic sites in which readers may interact with the writer of the page or site. In these sites you can share information, opinions and you have the opportunity to participate in the creation of the site. Some of them are real time web pages, such as blogs and wikis, facebook, skype, flickr, interactive dictionaries and encyclopedias, among many others. Web 2.0 pages are an excellent tool for English classes, because teachers may interact with students in a very different environment. We have to take advantages of technology!
One of the most significant differences between Web 2.0 and Web 1.0 is greater collaboration among Internet users and other users, content providers, and enterprises.
For the course we were asked to create a professional web page in, it was not an easy task, due to the fact that I am not that used to technology and I have not the experience to create a web page, but I did it. If you are interested in seeing the results of this experiment you can visit my page:, and leave a comment ; )